Sunday, January 31, 2010


Mike did the sweetest thing today, he bought my mom a dozen roses! You see today would have been her 62nd. wedding anniversary had my dad been alive. She just happened to mention it to him this morning, not expecting anything from it. When he walked in the door after church and wished her a happy anniversary and gave her some of the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen, I thought she was going to cry. What a beautiful thing to do!! Now the question is, how do I get flowers out of him? I swear I'll have to die first, maybe not even then!! I think he loves mom more.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Jane's mom Adelaide has come to stay with us for the winter and I am glad! Finally some good cooking! Her sister Kathy and her friend Julie drove her out and stayed with us for a week. Too bad they came out when it was pouring down rain for most of the time, but they did get some hiking in. Just hope they had a good time when they were here.

Starting Anew

Well I have received a grant to go back to school and get my degree. I will be studying medical administration with billing, coding and terminology. I am excited about it and the new career path that it will give me. The polls show that the healthcare industry is 30% of the most highly sought after and I won't have to be dealing with retail crap anymore! Anyways that is the latest and will keep everyone up to speed.

Monday, July 20, 2009


My mother in law Helen came out this past weekend to visit with us, she wanted to get to see the grandkids, and great grandkids. Her sister Bonnie came with her. Helen ives in WI, Bonnie in CA. Helen went to visit Bonnie for a vacation, and decided to make the trek down here since she would be east of the Mississippi. We had a lot of fun. They are more than sisters, they are truly good friends and it shows. I am good friends with a few of my siters, I confess not all of them, but it's pretty evident that Helen and Bonnie are best friends. Yeah I'm kinda jealous I don't have that closeness with at least one of my five sisters. Any way, for a couple of old birds, they have a ton of energy and spunk! They kept us running from the time they got here to the time they left. One of these days I hope we get more than just a weekend with them. Here's four generations,Helen holding Emmy, Mike in the middle, Courtney holding Aidan, and Great Aunt Bonnie and Emmy.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

New pics

Here are new pics of the grandkids and Craig and Tara. Pics are from May 2009.

Latest pics

Here are the latest pics of Aiden and Emmy. Taken last week, w/e 5/31/09 plus a new one of Craig and Tara.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pics I havent shared yet

Papa and Aidan

Miss Emmy

I was looking through some pics we have stored in the computer and I found some good ones that I like. Here they are..........